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Return Policy

Dear Customer

ColibriArt’s returns policy values our customers and their desire to buy in safe conditions from our website.

Orders made on can be returned, and the return policy applies to all our products purchased from our online store.

Orders can be returned within the first 30 days from the delivery date without having to provide a reason. No questions asked! We wish for you to be fully satisfied when you are buying our products online, and if you are not happy about the product received, now it’s easier to return the ColibriArt products whether for an exchange or a refund, so please follow the recommended steps on our website.

Returning ColibriArt products in 5 steps:

  1. Contact us by e-mail at with an Order Return Form filled in with your details (you will find the Form bellow) within the first 15 days from the delivery date of your order. If you have any queries or you would like more details do not hesitate to contact us. 
  2. We will register your request and you will receive a confirmation e-mail and more details regarding it 
  3. After receiving the confirmation please send the products the same way they have been delivered from ColibriArt ensuring the return requirements mentioned bellow have been followed, it is your obligation to write on the parcel the following details:
  1. Sender: Customer’s Name and Surname;
  2. Senders Address: Customer’s address;
  1. Sending to: ColibriArt T B A;
  2. Delivery address: T B A 
  3. Your orders number and purchase date:

The Customer takes full responsability for sending products that do not meet the following mandatory return conditions(produsele putând fi supuse refuzului acordării garanției – adica? la ce se refera?):

  1. Items must not show any signs of wear/ tear, must not be damaged by inappropriate handling mentioned in our Terms and Conditions, and also the Warranty Certificate, displayed on our website, altele decât cele necesare stabilirii de catre Client a naturii, caracteristicilor și funcționalității produselor.
  2. Items must be returned in the original packaging and with the warranty certificate 

After the product has been sent to us please contact us by e-mail at with the following details:

  1. Your chosen courier service: (fill in the courier company name))
  2. Tracking number: (tracking number is provided by the courier company)
  3. Date chitanță transport: (completați cu datele de identificare ale chitanței aferente costului de transport suportat la expedierea produsului) – ?????

Attention! – The return shipping cost will be covered by the Customer.

  1. ColibriArt will inform the Customer when the item will be received and after confirming all mandatory return conditions have been met a refund will be issued or your item excepția costurilor de livrare, sau, dupa caz, vom trimite produsele alese în schimbul celor comandate inițial. 
  2. In case of the return of an item from a discounted order (or a promotion) the discount will be removed from the order (if the order fails to qualify for the promotion/discount after removing the item). In such case the Customer will be refunded minus the amount of the discount/ promotion and not for the entire order. 

Important Notes:

  1. Nu primim coletele pentru schimb de produse sau retur a căror plată de transport nu a fost efectuată de expeditor!  –  aici nu cred ca exista optiunea asta:)
  2. Nu primim colete cu ramburs! aici nu cred ca exista 🙂 
  3. The Customer is responsible for the items’ condition, damage or loss while it’s on its way to ColibriArt.


Order Return Form

This form is to be filled and sent at if you wish to return your order.

  1. To: 

ColibriArt U.K.


  1. Customer: (Name and Surname)
  2. Customer’s Address (Address provided when you placed the order)
  3. I wish to inform you cancel the order for the following items: (fill in the items you wish to return)
  4. Purchase date: ()
  5. Returning the item(s) for: (fill in if you would like your item(s) to be exchanged or if you would like a refund for the item(s) you are returning)
  6. *in cazul nostru cred ca vorm merge doar pe plata online (cu card, eventual si PayPal)Nr. IBAN cont bancar, numele deținătorului contului și numele bancii: (dacă optați pentru rambursarea contravalorii comenzii aceste informații sunt asolut necesare)
  7. Signature (this applies when the form is written on paper) *chiar trebuie pus acest punct? mediul online nu prea vede hartie :))
  8. Date: (Date of your request)


All you have to do is fill in your details in the Return Order Form and send it to us at Please have a Return Order form on paper, placed inside the parcel. 

You will receive a confirmation for your request by e-mail.


Dreptul de retragere este definit de Ordonanța Guvernului 34/2014, în completarea Ordonanței Guvenului 130/2000. În esentă, deși exprimarea este nouă, dreptul de retragere este același lucru cu dreptul de a returna produsele comandate in magazinul online.

Legislația română prevede: Conform Ordonanței Guvernului 34/2014, Clientul are dreptul de a se retrage din prezentul contract, fară a preciza motivele, în termen de 14 zile . Perioada de retragere expiră dupa 14 zile, începând din ziua în care Clientul sau o parte tertă, alta decât transportatorul, indicată de Client, intră în posesia fizică a produselor comandate.  Client este considerată orice persoană fizică. *CAUTA LEGILE – Consumer rights

To exercise your right of withdrawal*, you must inform ColibriArt vis e-mail to about your decision to withdraw from this contract, using a clear request. For this purpose, you can use the Order Return Form above; however, its use is not mandatory. To comply with the withdrawal deadline it is enough to send the notice regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal before reaching the deadline.

Consequences of Withdrawal: If you withdraw, we will refund any amount received, excluding delivery costs, within 14 days from the date we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will make this repayment using your payment’s details; In any case, no fees will be charged as a result of the refund. Your account should be debited in 3-5 working days depending on your bank.

You should send the item(s) back to ColibriArt in less than 14 days from the day of your request. This limit is respected if the item(s) are sent to us before the 14 days period expires. Termenul este respectat dacă produsele sunt trimise înapoi înainte de expirarea perioadei de 14 zile. The Customer will have to support the full cost for returning the item(s) (courier service fee)

The terms mentioned above can be extended if the last day of the agreement is on a non-working day or a Bank Holiday 

If ColibriArt finds that the present Terms and Conditions have not been fully respected, and that there are or aren’t any traces of deterioration or signs of wear on the item(s), then we will notify the Customer of this fact, asking them to comply with the Terms and Conditions presented on our website within 24 hours of receiving the notification. In the event that the Customer does not comply with the Terms and Conditions within 24 hours from the date of receiving the notification, ColibriArt will return the item(s) to the Customer.

Clientul se obligă să achite societății noastre costurile solicitate de aceasta pentru serviciile prestate, apărute pentru stabilirea acordării sau nu a dreptului de retragere ca urmare a procesării Formularului de Retragere.  În cazul în care Clientul nu achită aceste costuri în termen de 5 zile lucrătoare de la data comunicarii lor, începand cu a 6-a zi lucrătoare ColibriArt va calcula și costul serviciului de depozitare a produsului returnat, în valoare de 1 ron pentru fiecare zi de depozitare. 

Clientul este avizat că în lipsa conformării la Termenii și Condițiile prezente și în lipsa achitării costurilor solicitate de către ColibriArt pentru serviciile prestate, produsul va fi reținut drept garanție de către societatea noastră și va putea trece în proprietatea acesteia, fară alte formalitați, din momentul în care aceste costuri depășesc suma de restituit Clientului.*nu prea inteleg

Un Client care nu se identifică cu Cumpăratorul poate beneficia de dreptul de retragere doar dacă îsi asumă opozabilitatea termenilor și condițiilor prezente.*nici aici nu inteleg

In the case of repeated returns, they may be interpreted as misuse or violation of our Terms and Conditions. In such situations, our company may block the access to the site of the targeted users, or may refuse to refuse their orders.

Termenii si condițiile prezentate respectă legislația în vigoare: Legea 365/2002 privind comerțul electronic și Ordonanța Guvernului nr. 34 din 12 iunie 2014 referitoare la regimul juridic al contractelor la distanță

Thank you for choosing ColibriArt and we want you to have the most pleasant experience with us!

Your Jewellery Store team,